Colorize the moment
The translation of Pur is pure in French. Pure is what it's all about for us. Just beautiful and real.
Été stands for summer, that's what we enjoy so much!
Wonderfully sunny, cheerful, beautiful colors, being outside all day. Pur-Ete stands for Pure Summer.
When you write 'purété' together it translates to 'purity'. This immediately shows the core of our company:
PURE: Authentic, living your true colors.
Because the more you live your true colors, the more natural life will be. We believe that when everyone lives their true nature all the puzzle pieces fall into place. We all matter. Equally, however not the same.
But how do we do that? Many of us didn't grow up with it. In school you learn that you have to become “something or somebody". According to that you spend a lot of time becoming a person that is probably far from it's true nature. It's not working, so the rest of life you start becoming yourself again. It is true journey of discovery. A home analysis or personal analysis can give you clarity and insights. It gives insights to ease the journey.
Gratefully we use the ancient knowledge of Feng Shui and Nine Star Ki. This philosophy and science helps bring us back to basics by teaching us how to restore natural balance. It shows us where we have driven off from our true selves.
With great passion, enthusiasm we have educated ourselves fot many years and did a lot of courses and acknowledged studies in this ancient philosophy and way of life. We are grateful for this beautiful knowledge, our wonderful teachers and our fine clients.
Do you also want to get to know your magical & authentic self through the beautiful knowledge of Feng Shui and/or Nine Star Ki? We would love to take you on this journey! With love and curiousity!
TEAM PUR-ETE - Harm & Manon
La vie est magique!