Literally meaning “Wind and Water,” Feng Shui is both an art of living and a teaching. Over 3,000 years old, the concepts of Feng Shui are derived from Taoist philosophy and find their source in the close observation of nature.

Feng Shui takes into account a wide range of psychological factors that affect the subconscious. A house can be read; it shows where we are not always aware of, but what does exist. Making a change  in your environment inextricably means you change something in yourself.

Every thought is energy and creates reality. Basically there are two kinds of energy: positive energy, that supports you and the second is blocking energy, where your body has to work hard to balance it out. It is very interesting that blockages in your home tell you in which (life) areas your thinking does not support you in a way that is healthy and effortless. It reveals where the energy flows and where it it stagnate or slow down unnecessarily.

Using Feng Shui, the effects of one's environment on one's vitality, creativity, energy and behavior are studied and identified.

Gratefully using the knowledge of Feng Shui we now look how to harmonize your environment in its natural state so that you can improve your personal health and well-being. This lifestyle allows us to act on all aspects of our lives; social, family, emotional, professional, physical and so on.

Conceptual Feng Shui

Within the ancient principles of Feng Shui, you have several movements. We work with the Conceptual Feng Shui. This form goes back to the original Feng Shui as it was once intended; understanding the movement of life energy in the environment and bring it into harmony. Authenticity is central to this. Conceptual Feng Shui does not look at what you cannot do, but what you can do. We trace the imbalance and give advice on how to bring it back into harmony.

Wondering what you can do in your environment to create more harmony? We are happy to assist you. Ask us about the possibilities. We love to read you. 

Feng Shui
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